Domain coloring of a random finite Blaschke product



  • Gonzales, S., Migler, T. (2020). The Densest k Subgraph Problem in b-Outerplanar Graphs. In: Cherifi, H., Gaito, S., Mendes, J., Moro, E., Rocha, L. (eds) Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 881. Springer, Cham.


  • Galois Representations Attached to Weight 1 Modular Forms, link to PDF


  • Galois Representations Attached to Weight 1 Modular Forms, Student Number Theory Seminar, UC Berkeley. (December 2024)
  • A Crash Course on Shimura Varieties, Cohomology of Locally Symmetric Spaces Seminar, UC Berkeley. (October 2024)
  • Automorphic Vector Bundles, Cohomology of Locally Symmetric Spaces Seminar, UC Berkeley. (September 2024)
  • Defining general Shimura varieties, Shimura Varieties Reading Seminar, UC Berkeley. February 2023)
  • The image of inertia argument and applications to the generalized Fermat equation, Student Number Theory Seminar, UC Berkeley. (November 2022)
  • Canonical heights on abelian varieties, Number Theory Learning Seminar, UC Berkeley. (January 2022)
  • Modular curves and modular forms over the complex numbers, Number Theory Learning Seminar, UC Berkeley. (February 2021)